Pot-Luck Breakfast & Welcome of Rutgers residents | Holy Family Parish
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June 9, 2014 @ 8:30 am – 9:15 am
church hall/Sacred Heart/Holy Family

Each summer, daily worship at the Sacred Heart site moves downstairs to the church hall to save energy costs.

Some parishioners find it a more conducive environment for fellowship and focus for the liturgy.

For 2014, the days of worship in the hall begin June 9 and end Sept. 13.   We are marking the beginning of our time with a pot-luck breakfast after the June 9 Mass.  Please bring any breakfast food or beverage items.

At the same time, we will formally welcome the Catholic Student Association leaders who are now living in the Sacred Heart House.  These young men are living communally under the guidance of the Brotherhood of Hope.

Come share in the food and fellowship!